The impetus to examine and tweak business processes may stem from pressures from government regulation, Wall Street or any of a number of market forces. Regardless, those who have no BPM initiative are at a competitive disadvantage.
Productivity losses from the new hours-of-service rules have been less than anticipated, thanks to efforts by shippers and carriers, but both sides worry about additional changes that may be on the way.
While many companies curb investments in new supply-chain systems and process change, some take the long view. They're spending now, to realize big payoffs later.
Even the best companies forget that their supply chains are only as strong as the transportation system that supports them. Unfortunately, capacity constraints, high costs and other problems portend serious transportation problems. The answer is having the right transportation executive on staff who understands the legal and operational challenges ahead.
Excessive use of the word has made collaboration a tired concept in the minds of many. But not with these manufacturers, vendors, and industry experts. • Sixth in the Best Practices series.
Tracking and measuring the performance of various supply-chain functions is necessary but not sufficient for today's extended enterprise. Tying that performance to corporate strategic goals and closing the loop on execution to ensure continuous improvement are keys to effective performance management.
Application vendors and logistics providers are finally getting the message: Manufacturers and retailers want vertical solutions that focus tightly on their industry challenges.