10+2 Readiness...Beware! It's Strategic, Not Tactical... May 21, 2008 From Global Data Mining/Matt Gersper
Arvato Digital Services Integrates Amber Road Applications With SAP to Automate Duty Payments May 13, 2008 Amber Road
Doha Round of Trade Talks Under WTO Hits Another Bump in the Road; Dispute Over Farm Goods Is Blamed May 13, 2008 Sandler, Travis & Rosenberg, P.A
Trade Lawyers Protest Customs' Attempt to Eliminate "First-Sale" Standard for Duty Assessment May 13, 2008 Grunfield, Desiderio, Lebowitz, Silverman & Klestadt LLP
China Voices Concern About Anti-Dumping Measures Imposed by Mexico, Canada and the European Union May 13, 2008 World Trade Organization
U.S. Pharma Companies Weigh a Shift to North America — and Possibly the U.S. — for Drug ProductionQuality & Metrics