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Innovation and development-these terms are increasingly present in discussions of our modern society, especially in the pharma and biotechnological industry. Nothing shows this better, than the fact that life sciences and biotechnology have become one of the most important sources of modern economic development.
The PHARM Connect Congress gives a tailored space for the experts of the sector to achieve a stronger and faster growth in their businesses.
The 500 engaged visitors of the CEE region, from more than 20 countries demonstrate the success of PHARM Connect, which will be held for the fourth time on 26-27 February 2014.
The high level forum - which has established itself as the market leader and the only regional pharmaceutical and biotechnology manufacturing event for the entire Central and Eastern European region - takes place in Budapest, Hungary, where leading service providers of the sector have the possibility to be seen and to meet the industry's relevant companies.
The Events Group operates on an invitation - only basis in order to maintain the outstanding quality. In this manner, the invitees are assured to encounter partners with relevant business potential. The unique TEG Meeting Scheduler giving participants the opportunity to select key presentations, pre-schedule one-to-one meetings and confirm their presence at several networking activities, creating their own itinerary prior to the congress.
Among others, the business summit is unique because the TEG Group bases their events on insights of the field's experts. Performers - Top service providers and key decision makers are sharing their expertise in presentations, panel discussions and case studies reflecting the recent market trends, from engineering to production, supply chain and quality management.
The professional input of TEG's Programme Advisory Committee further ensures the event to accommodate the elite of the healthcare/ pharmaceutical and biopharma sectors.
GE Intelligent Platforms, Xellia Pharmaceuticals, Forgó, Damjanovic and Partners, Finesse, Aptar Pharma, UPS Healthcare, Festo, and other esteemed business partners are sponsoring the congress.
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