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Go for it! If you strive to see your performance and achievements honored and celebrated by a thriving community, then don't hesitate to apply for the ener.con AWARD 2014! Earn the recognition and reputation your energy efficiency-related project deserves and promote your concept among peers! In winning the ener.con AWARD 2014, the selected project will not only receive a certificate and respective trophy, but also enable the donation of a 2000€ cheque. For further information please refer to our website and related contacts.
Highlights are Keynote Sessions from following industry leaders:
BASF Corporation / USA | Ty Geiger, Director, Energy and Verbund Management, NC/S Site and Infrastructure Development, is our Keynote-Opener on the first conference day. Ty will talk about increasing energy efficiency through a comprehensive and systematic energy management process. In this regard, he will share his best practices and technologies with the community.
CalPortland Company / USA | Steve Coppinger, Winner "Energy Star Sustained Excellence Award", 2013 and Director of Engineering Services, speaks on the second conference day. His main topic will be CalPortland's corporate energy management program, which is based on ENERGY STAR guidelines. This project really reduced high costs for the company.
HeidelbergCement Rus LLC / Russia | Rainer Nobis, Technical Director Russia, will refer to topics such as energy saving potentials and the implementation of new technologies to reduced energy consumption. His explanations about economic aspects and new technologies concentrate on the cement industry.
"Many thanks to the whole we.CONECT team for a well prepared and executed conference in a new and modern style!"
Carsten Schmidt, Siemens AG
Take advantage of a great opportunity comprising large information flows and great Know-How exchanges. Come and take part in our Icebreaker Session the day before the conference to get to know your peers. Enjoy the benefits of collective intelligence during our World Café and give a new and stimulating impulse to your business. Meet our Business Partners and discuss with them processes, solutions and products face to face and talk about more industry ́s themes and issues at our Challenge Your Peers Roundtables.
Save yourself the time of sharing your new knowledge with your colleagues within your company and participate our highly interactive sessions together as a group: find out more about our Team Discounts here.
Individuals interested in attending, sponsoring or finding out more about the ener.CON Europe 2014 should visit: http://enercon2014.we-conect.com.
We look forward to welcoming you in March in Berlin!
Your we.CONECT team
Alexander Sladczyk
Sales Director
we.CONECT Global Leaders GmbH
Phone: +49 (0)30 52 10 70 3 - 55 | Fax: +49 (0)30 52 10 70 3 - 30 Email: alexander.sladczyk@we-conect.com
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