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Women are the next big thing. In fact, women have been the next big thing in online marketing for a number of years now, but unfortunately many online advertisers still fail to recognize the potential to be had from the female market.
The following 35 facts should eliminate any doubts you might have had about developing a marketing campaign for women in an instant. Women are the future and there's big business for all those companies that can get their female marketing campaigns on track as soon as possible.
1.Baby Boomer Women are Affluent
Baby-Boomer women, a segment of society born between 1946 and 1964, are without a doubt a section of the buying public that no marketer can afford to overlook. They are the women with successful careers, they have investments which were made during the "boom" years and they hold large inheritances from their parents, husbands, or both. They are, without question, the most financially empowered female generation the world has ever seen.
2. 50+ American Women
Mark Miller, author of Demographics, assures us that 50+ American Women are the healthiest, wealthiest and most active generation of women in history. These healthy women are ripe for online purchase and ready to enjoy the finer things in life having work hard for many years.
3. Female Financial Studies by Russ Alan Prince and Hannah Shaw Grove
Of the 743 women of wealth interviewed by Russ Alan Prince and Hannah Shaw Grove in "Women of Wealth," 61.2% accumulated their fortunes through corporate employment. They had either developed their own business or a business that they shared with their family. Staggeringly, only 38.8% of the women interviewed had married into or inherited their money.
4. Woman is Synonymous with Wealth
MassMutual Financial Group reveals that 39% of the wealthiest people in the US are women. 2.5 million women have combined assets of $4.2 trillion. Over 1.3 million female professionals earn more than $100,000 ever year. 43% of people in the US who own more than $500,000 in assets are female.
5. Kids Leave Home and Women are Reborn
When the kids leave home, the spending power of women over 50 goes through the roof. On average, these women spend 2.5 times more than the average consumer and their interests cover big-ticket consumer categories, including computers, cars, banking and other financial services.
6. Female Investors are on the rise
The rate of female investors in the US is growing faster than that of men. Female investors are up by 68%, while male investors have only grown by 36% in the last two years.
7. 93.4% of Affluent Women are on the Internet
94.3% of women who earn more than $75,000 are considered to be heavy users of the Internet according to the research team at While Internet use has risen within this demographic, reveals that the interest in radio, television, newspapers and direct mail has dropped.
8. Women account for 85% of all consumer purchases on Internet covering everything from autos to health care.
9. 91% of affluent women who use the Internet are in the market for a new home.
10. 66% of wealthy women on the Internet buy PCs.
11. 92% of women in the 50+ market invest in vacations after researching on the Internet.
12. 80% of the wealthy female demographic invests in private healthcare online.
13. 65% of women who no longer need to tend to the children buy a new car.
14. 89% of professional, wealthy women are looking to invest in a better banking system.
15. 93% of women buy food online.
16. On average, the American woman spends $5 trillion every single year.
17. 22% of American women shop online at least once a day, which includes actually making a purchase, not just browsing and doing research into a product.
18. Women are big sharers and 92% regularly pass on information about deals that they find to their friends.
19. 171 is the Magic Marketing Number
171 is a very important and magic number. It is the average number of contacts that women have in their e-mail contacts or in their cell phone address book. Women are the doors to other consumers. Marketing through women is an essential and effective online marketing technique for anyone looking to sell online.
20. Market Research through Women is Effective
76% of women enjoy being part of a special or select panel, which makes them great for market research and learning how to optimize effectively.
21. Women Love the Internet
Only 11% of American women would ditch their laptops if they had to part with a technological device.
22. 51% of US female executives and successful professionals are moms.
23. Women Feel Disconnected
91% of women believe that advertisers don't understand them. If your business can find a way of making an effective connection, you have more chance of finding a loyal female consumer than a loyal male one.
24. 70% of new businesses are started by women.
25. Black Women in the US
On average, black women in the US spend three times as much on beauty products than women of lighter skin tones.
26. 61% of women are the decision makers when it comes to buying household electronic devices.
27. Women Favor Green
Almost 50% of women are shouting out for more green choices on the Internet. Recent studies reveal that about 37% of female consumers are more likely to buy from brands that are environmentally conscious. The average US woman fills her shopping cart with at least 25% of environmentally-friendly products.
28. Women Favor Women
Surveys have revealed that women are always more interested in any brand when they see that brand making a concerted effort to help and support female-owned businesses.
29. 79% of women in the US try out products and services when they come from a female-focused / female-owned business.
30. 60% of all cars in the US are owned by women.
31. 40% of all stocks in the US are owned by women.
32. 55% of women bought literature online last year.
33. Young, Single Women are Large Market Players
Women between 18 and 24 make regular home electronics purchases online, including cell phones and computers. Over the past 10 years, the figure of women between the ages of 25-34 who live alone in their own apartment has risen from 8% to 38%.
34. Young, Single Women are More Educated
Young, single women with an undergraduate degree in the US has risen over the past 10 years from 28% to 41%.
35. Women and Sport
47.2 % of major league soccer fans are women. Soccer brands should start investing in this significant section of their consumer market. 46.5% are MLB fans, 43.2% are NFL fans, 40.8% attend all NHL games, 37% are NBA fans, 46% make purchases of NFL merchandise and 34% are the adult audience for ESPN sport event programs every day. There has never been a better time to invest in women via online marketing, whatever your business. Take the time to research whenever possible and find out what your potential female client would like to see on offer today.
If you would like more advice about how to target women via online marketing campaigns, contact David Chapman, Director of Marketing and pay per click management expert at Webrageous.
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