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McLeod Software, a provider of dispatch, accounting and enterprise management solutions for trucking and brokerage firms, says its LoadMaster V9.0 solution has new time-saving and data-access enhancements that will improve management of trucking fleets.
"This upgrade was designed to give our customers the ability to do more with less," says Tom McLeod, president of McLeod Software. "It's always important to run your operations as efficiently as possible, but with the current economy it becomes even more critical. Version 9.0 adds new features and benefits that make the job easier and faster."
Key components of the new LoadMaster release include:
• An enhancement to the Customer and Order Entry screens to show actual Available Credit information-not just over or under the credit limit-so carriers can confirm the credit amount is sufficient;
• Multiple enhancements to the ETA/Out-of-Route module to better manage late and out-of-route status based on user-defined controls;
• Order Planning and Driver Management screens now include ETA information along with confirmation on which drivers have received and acknowledged preassigned movements via mobile communications devices;
• A new Trailer Detention report to assist in negotiating rates or billing customers based on dropped days past the free-day limit;
• The creation of a Top Driver Report based on revenue with multiple filters;
• New interfaces with the DriverFACTS safety and accident reporting system and StarTrak's ReeferTrak trailer tracking system.
Among the more than one hundred improvements to LoadMaster is a new field in the customer record to indicate those who allow their freight to be brokered and a new Accounts Payable feature allowing users to generate ACH payments directly to a vendor's checking account.
Visit www.mcleodsoftware.com
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