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The Halifax Port Authority said it reached agreement with its two main container terminal operators, Cerescorp and Halterm, on setting performance standards designed to increase the speed of the import supply chains that use the Atlantic port.
The port authority said the agreement establishes clear and defined performance standards for all the Halifax Gateway partners, including CN Rail, the port authority, Ceres and Halterm, for the times for unloading and loading containers between vessels and rail cars, the timing of the placement of rail cars at the terminals, and CN transit times to key markets in eastern and central Canada and the U.S. Midwest.
"This supply-chain agreement will align the parties' interests in executing to plan, and support quality service to improve the competitiveness of the Halifax Gateway," said Claude Mongeau, CN president and chief executive officer. He said the agreement would provide accountability for each partner in the port and ensure data on performance will be fully transparent.
Karen Oldfield, the port authority's president and chief executive officer, said the agreement would enhance the port's competitive position as an East Coast North American trade gateway.
Source: JOC Sailings
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