Choosing a warehouse management system most likely involves turning from home-grown IT to an expert external vendor, streamlining legacy technology, and expanding the business portfolio, says Sean Moore, chief information officer with CJ Logistics Americas.
It may sound surprising, but what differentiates humanoid robotics from a lot of other automation technologies is that it actually takes nothing to prepare for it, says Damion Shelton, president of Agility Robotics.
Artificial intelligence can aid in the primary goal of warehouse management: to get the right inventory as close to the end-consumer as possible, says Corey Calla, president and CEO of SencorpWhite.
Technology, including AI, offers help with almost all challenges in today's supply chains. But it's important to separate hype from reality, says Amin Sikander, president of Synkrato.
Including same-day delivery options is good for business, bringing long-term, strategic benefits that should counter the typical six-figure cost of setting it up.
The self-evident questions are: Can’t you consolidate packages going to the same street on the same day? Do you really need a giant van to deliver a small box?
Getting a thoroughly broad view of supply chain operations gives a supply chain professional a career boost because it makes him or her more useful to the company.
Overall, the report found most executives are feeling optimistic about business. Less than 10% of respondents expected sales to decrease year-over-year.