Locus, a global B2B SaaS company, has announced the release of Locus NodeIQ, an automated supply chain decision-making platform that enables companies to perform end-to-end network and inventory optimization.
David Barton, general manager for North America with ToolsGroup, describes the ways in which various industries are approaching the challenge of planning for demand in an environment of extreme uncertainty.
Traditional supply-chain strategies that prioritized efficiency and razor-thin margins over agility won’t work anymore. Brands must now prioritize resilience.
James Thomson, partner with Buy Box Experts, offers a view of the coming peak holiday shopping season, and describes what retailers are doing to prepare for it, in a time of pandemic.
In the battle to keep essential products flowing to store shelves during the coronavirus pandemic, Retail Business Services has been on the front line.
In the midst of the coronavirus pandemic and a plummeting economy, retailers must nevertheless prepare for the traditional peak shopping season. Some are ready, but many are not.