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RFID Trinidad & Tobago (RFIDTT), a small start-up company in the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, is hoping to foment the use of RFID in the southern Caribbean country. RFIDTT--a spin-off of Label House Group Ltd., a 25-year-old packaging and labeling company headquartered in Trinidad--will specialize in RFID systems integration, and plans to work with a variety of organizations in both the government and private sectors, on applications ranging from asset tracking in health care to supply chain tracking in the petroleum industry.
To help strengthen its RFID expertise and knowledge, the firm is partnering with several organizations. The McMaster RFID Applications Lab (MRAL), a research laboratory at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, will provide consulting services to RFIDTT, such as technology development and research, expertise in business-process reengineering and intellectual property assistance. The lab, supported by EPCglobal Canada and several vendors offering RFID products and services, will also help RFIDTT as it works with customers. This will include assistance with gathering and understanding user requirements, selecting and testing appropriate RFID products, and project management.
Trinidad and Tobago may not seem the likely spot for leading-edge technology such as RFID. In fact, says Pankaj Sood, manager of MRAL, that's what colleagues believed when RFIDTT first approached the university research lab. "We had some of the same impressions before we got involved," Sood says. "When you think of the Caribbean, you think of it as a tourist destination more than a business destination."
Still, Sood adds, the country--particularly the island of Trinidad--is ripe for RFID.
Source: RFID Journal, http://www.rfidjournal.com
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