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Intermodal transport's share of U.S. long-haul truck traffic reached record highs in the first quarter of 2010, a recent analysis by FTR Associates shows. Both total intermodal movements and movements of domestic intermodal equipment reached new market share highs. Intermodal's share of U.S. long-haul (550+ miles) movements of international and domestic containerized freight was estimated to be 13.5 percent in the fourth quarter. The analysis, which uses ETSO (Equipment Type, Size & Ownership) data from the Intermodal Association of North America, is contained in the May issue of the FTR Freight Focus Series: Intermodal Update.
"This marks the fourth consecutive share increase for intermodal" said Lawrence Gross, senior consultant for FTR and principal author of the Intermodal Update. "The sector was hitting on all cylinders during the first quarter. Domestic sector market share resumed growing after a pause in the fourth quarter of last year, continuing a solid upward trend that began as early as Q3 2007. Meanwhile, the international sector continued to recover from its pronounced downturn, with international intermodal shipments growing faster than overall long-haul truck. This is also an indication that the previous trend of such shipments being diverted to all-water routing via the Panama Canal has abated."
Gross expects the future to hold additional good news for intermodal. "The stars are aligning for what could be an acceleration in intermodal share growth. Active truck capacity is coming into balance with demand, and even a modest increase in freight demand could lead to shortages of truck drivers and hence, truck capacity, resulting in more opportunity for intermodal," he says.
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