Spain's University Hospital of Valencia (La Fe) is employing a real-time locating system (RTLS) to track patients and assets throughout its 260,000-square-meter (2.8 million-square-foot) facility, and to allow staff members to identify patients via mobile carts with built-in RFID readers.
TZA has developed a new release of its cloud-based ProTrack warehouse labor-management system. TZA is a consulting and engineering company specializing in the optimization of labor performance and operations across the supply chain.
Robert Gifford, executive vice president of global logistics with Ingram Micro, walks us through the past, present and future of global supply chains. He also discusses how his own company is positioning itself to cope with change.
Why has it taken so long for warehouse-management and warehouse-control systems to move to the cloud? And which of the two is more likely to survive in the years ahead? Kevin Reader, chief marketing officer of Invata Intralogistics, has some answers.
Tufts Medical Center, a 415-bed teaching hospital in Boston, has saved $1.5m on stents, angioplasty balloons and other implantable devices, based on information provided by a radio frequency identification inventory-management system deployed within its catheterization, electrophysiology and interventional radiology laboratories.
HighJump Software has forged a strategic alliance with Speech Interface Design (SID) to provide voice-recognition technology to distributors and manufacturers.