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The exempt warehouse positions earning the highest median total compensation (base salary plus bonus) include the Vice President of Logistics, Vice President of Marketing/Sales and Director of Logistics, according to the 2010 Warehousing Salaries and Wages report from the Warehousing Education and Research Council (WERC).
The non-exempt warehouse employees earning the highest median hourly wages are Customer Service Representative and Forklift Operator. Shipping/Receiving Clerk was in the second spot.
A more surprising finding is that the average employee turnover among all warehouses surveyed was less 19.6 percent in this report, which is a decrease of 4.1 percent since the 2008 report.
Good news is that the 2010 change in all non-exempt median hourly wages was positive, which mirrors the results of the prior survey. The Sales Person did not get good news in that the median total compensation continues to fall with a substantial decrease this year of -31.6 percent (the same position dropped -7.7 percent 08 vs. 06).
In providing the data, the report results are broken out in a number of ways to allow users to find data that most closely reflects their own warehouse (size, geographic location, type of business, etc.). Compensation levels among exempt employees are broken out by the number of years served in their current position and by number of employees supervised.
The complete report is available in downloadable PDF format at www.werc.org. Members receive the report at no cost; nonmembers pay $120.
Source: WERC
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