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Apparently so. Toyota, with its well-known emphasis on Lean supply-chain practices, was a key inspiration for U.K.-based Tesco, when the latter set out to overhaul its processes. In particular, Tesco was determined to align production and inventory with customer needs – something virtually every company claims to do, but few have managed to achieve with any degree of success. The company's journey is told in a new book, The Lean Supply Chain: Managing the Challenge at Tesco. Its authors, Barry Evans and Robert Mason, join us on this episode to describe the initiatives that Tesco has embraced over the years to build a world-class supply chain. In the process, they challenge some conventional wisdom that has dominated traditional business practice. Evans has held multiple positions at Tesco and is a senior research associate in the Lean Enterprise Research Centre at Cardiff Business School, where Mason is a senior lecturer in the Logistics and Operations Management section. Learn how Lean Six Sigma can be applied to grocery retailing – and the caveats that come with the concept. Hosted by Bob Bowman, Managing Editor of SupplyChainBrain.
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Show notes:
Evans and Mason's book, The Lean Supply Chain: Managing the Challenge at Tesco.
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